The Inner Struggle

6.5 Elevate your self (ego) with the power of the Self (Soul). Never let your will be weakened by the self. The Self is a true friend and can help overcome the self. The scene of the Bhagavad Gita is set in the most unlikely of places for a spiritual text: the...

Receding Freedom, Rising Totalitarianism

…and what to do about It Introduction The Rarity of Freedom and Democracy “Those of us who have been so fortunate to have been born in a free society, tend to take freedom for granted, to regard it as the natural state of mankind. It is not! It is a rare a...

The Lord’s Prayer Re-Presented

Intro The story of Christ is one of the most powerful and influential the world has ever known. In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ offers his disciples the Lord’s Prayer as a way to communicate directly with God. In the piece below, I will re-present this ancient and...