
Bhagavad Gita Study Group

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most important spiritual texts from any tradition and one of the foundations of yoga philosophy. It contains everything the spiritual aspirant needs to progress on their journey from the ego, separation and suffering to the Soul, unity and peace.

The central theme of the Gita is the inner struggle that rages between our lower and higher nature, between the forces of darkness and light within each of us, and how to overcome this.

It teaches us to orient ourselves towards the Self / Soul / God, rather than all the impermanent things of the world that can never truly satisfy us. It guides us to freedom and fulfilment internally, through love, service and dharma externally.

Immerse your mind in the timeless wisdom of the Gita, expand your consciousness, and transform your life over 10 exhilarating weeks of exploration into yourself and the nature of existence.

We will tackle one or two chapters per week so we can delve deeply and so you have the week in between each session to practice what we learn and integrate the teachings as we go.

The book you will we will use is “The Bhagavad Gita” by Eknath Easwaran which you can purchase from Amazon Australia for around $20.

You will read the chapter prior to the weeks class, and we will then explore it deeply in the sessions which will be interactive and will provide plenty of opportunity to discuss and ask questions. With the exception of chapter 2, which is the longest at 16 pages, the rest of the chapters are only 8-10 pages so you will only need to spend 45-60 mins reading per week tops.

If you can’t make a session, you can read the chapter and watch the recording to catch up and can contact me if you want to discuss anything.


Living Yoga Workshop

Healing and Self-Mastery through the timeless Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita was written around 2500 years ago and is one of the central text of the yogic tradition. It presents the complete yogic body of knowledge, thousands of years of accumulated wisdom, in one remarkable volume. It is considered by many the most important spiritual text ever written.

It contains everything the spiritual aspirant needs to progress on their journey from separation and suffering to unity and peace. It addresses the inner struggle that rages between our lower and higher nature, between the forces of darkness and light within each of us, and how to overcome this. It teaches us to expand our understanding of self to encompass everyone around us and ultimately all of existence. To orient ourselves towards the Self / Soul / God, rather than all the impermanent things of the world that can never truly satisfy us. It guides us to freedom and fulfilment internally, and to love and serve others externally.

In the Living Yoga workshop we will immerse ourselves in the timeless wisdom of the Gita through 39 themed explorations encompassing an auspicious 108 verses that have been lovingly and authentically translated using plain modern language. Some of the topics we will explore are:

  • Self / Atman / Brahman
  • Gunas and the three faces of God
  • Separation to Oneness
  • Karma
  • Dharma
  • Reincarnation
  • Equanimity, Love & Wisdom
  • Devotion & Aiming at the Divine
  • Service & Fulfilment
  • Mind & Ego, Heart & Soul
  • The Downward Path: the action and emotions to avoid that lead to suffering.
  • The Upward Path: the highest values/virtues to develop that lead to freedom.

This program outlines the central teachings of the Gita and focusses on how to implement them into your life.

*Course notes will be provided via email that include the 39 Topics and my translations for all 108 verses referred to.


Yoga Wisdom Workshop

Awakening and Growth through the Wisdom of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Join Australian Yoga Academy co-founder, Anthony Salerno, on this power packed, mind expanding exploration of one of yoga’s most important texts – the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Anthony has been sharing the wisdom of the Sutras and the other great yogic texts since 2005 and now he has synthesised and condensed these teachings into a powerful standalone workshop that anyone can attend and benefit from.

Through the wisdom of the yoga sutras we will explore:

  • Yoga as a science of Enlightenment.
  • The 8 Limbs of Yoga, including yama and niyama.
  • The nature of Consciousness and how it is disturbed.
  • How to still the fluctuations of the Mind and attain inner peace.
  • Overcoming our challenges and healing our wounds.
  • Transcending our reactions and judgments and opening our heart.
  • The Ego, how it develops, how it operates and what to do about it.
  • The primary Error that leads to Suffering and the Antidote.
  • The truth about Karma.
  • Much more!

This course is absolutely jam packed with as much wisdom as I can possibly fit into the time available and is for anyone who wants to live a better life, period.

It is lecture format, but informal, and you are encouraged to ask questions throughout.